All that we see and know started with ONE. ONE God created the heavens and earth ONE word at a time. In the beginning there was ONE man and ONE woman. ONE day and ONE night and so on.
Our world is ever pressing on us for more for multiplication; for more; more output or input, more time or effort, more possessions, more money…. We are pressured on every side to extend ourselves, to add more, to purchase more to be more. Multitasking is a goal that many define their successes or failures by. While I realize that spiritually speaking we must desire more, we will get there by beginning with ONE focus.
First and foremost, there is ONE God 1 Timothy 2:5. The Word teaches us about having a single vision Matthew 6:22, a single heart and purpose Jeremiah 32:39, it tells us that there is a single way to full salvation ,John 3:5, Acts 2:38, that to have stability we need to have a single mind, James 1:8, And that we can only truly serve ONE master, Matthew 6:24. The Word encourages us to focus on singleness in order to accomplish more.
May our prayer this month be to keep our focus on the ONE thing that matters most. The Apostle Paul wrote it this way in Philippians 3:13-14 “Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended; but this one thing I do, forgetting the things that are behind, and reaching forth unto those things that are before [14] I press toward the (ONE) for the (ONE) prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus.” Jesus must be the ONE mark by which we measure ourselves.
Think about it, our natural life is in many ways is lived ONE thing at a time. Our heart beats ONE beat at a time, we breathe ONE breath at a time. We are given ONE day at a time, we walk ONE step at a time, etc.
What might happen if instead of trying to see how much more we can squeeze into every day, we would focus on accomplishing ONE thing well in every day? What would be the result of focusing on praying ONE prayer at a time, being a witness ONE word at a time, doing ONE act of service at a time, changing ONE habit, keeping ONE commitment, taking ONE step of faith, and allowing God’s word to be planted in our hearts ONE seed at a time.
The scripture says that ONE plants and ONE waters, but it is God that gives the increase.1Corinthians 3:6 The church is made up of single members called to ONE primary goal. God will give the increase if we do the ONE part He calls us to individually. So, rather than seeking to divide our (ONE) self in so many ways that we fail to accomplish our ONE goal (both individually and corporately) may we focus on the ONE thing that God desires for each of us and trust that He promises to do the multiplying.
Please understand that this is not to suggest in any way that everyone “do their own thing”. In fact, quite the opposite, this is just a starting point to help us all have ONE focus; a call to ONEness. In this first month of a brand new year I pray you are encouraged to begin (or continue) pursuing God and the work of His Kingdom ONE prayer at a time.
-Sis. Kathy Fleetwood